Monday, January 21, 2013

A New Year

There is so much anxiety about the world we live in, about the good ol' US of A. What future will there be not only for our children and their children, but for us babyboomers? Our country is moving farther and farther away from One Nation Under God, and I believe that spells disaster. And we do it in the name of freedom. Which comes from God! I want to be intentional this year. I want to be healthier - not dieting, just eating local foods, not processed. Moving my body more. I want to be intentional in my faith walk, my bible study time, my prayer time, what I pray for. I don't want to be 'spiritual' - I want to be faithful. I want to help my daughter, those I love to know Christ more, to have a desire to know Him. I want to be intentional about honoring Him in my home, making it a home Christ would be proud to dwell in. I want to stand for my faith and truly live it out. 
I am sad to not be with Tom anymore, after 6 years, but I want to be with someone who is a strong, faithful man. Who will be an encourager to me in my walk.
This new year finds Erin in Greensboro because her dad has a job in Maryland and guilted her in to staying at his house and taking care of his dogs. That forced us to start working on getting her license back which is costing me a small fortune, not to menion time. But she is in school again at FTCC and staying on track. I pray that her car makes it! I am proud of her staying focused. And she is working part time. She would much prefer to be in Winston and I think she will get to the point where she lays down the law. But for now I pray for safety for her daily.
And starting this blog again - what do I want it to be? What will it grow into?